Friday, April 9, 2010

Allison [senior.]

This is my last new post, I promise. [...maybe.]
Allison is one of my really good friends, and I love the bejeepers out of her. Allison's momma and her fiance came along and this shoot was crazy fun.
Isn't she lovely?

She's a wee bit crazy, too. :]
That's all.

Kara and Dennis [wedding.]

I know, I know. This was forever ago. But through getting my wisdom teeth getting out, preparing for drama regionals [which I got double champion at, beteadub.], and trying to get ready for India, I've had time for absolutely NO fun.
Well, okay, that's an overexaggeration. But at the least, no time for blogging.
So yes, Kara and Dennis DID get married. And they are very very happy.
I was SO sick during this wedding. So so sick. I had to stop throwing up long enough to shoot the rehearsal dinner and then I slept right up until an hour before the service. But, needless to say, it got done and I got to see my friends tie the knot.

Dennis gave Kara this right before the wedding. Beautiful.
The decorations were so so cute.

And I even got a little publicity. ;)

Random Update.
State is in 7 days!
I'm a bit nervous.
Senior Shoot and ACT tomorrow.
Get my India t-shirts tomorrow, too.
Garage Sale 30th and the 1st.
Kate's baby shower the 8th.

India Update [tshirts.]

Hey guyssss.
I leave in...about 45 days! I'm soooo excited.
For those of you who don't know, I'm going to India May 20-somethingth and coming back August 14th. I'll be teaching English and Photography at an orphanage in Bangalore, India and I am ECSTATIC. This is one step towards God's ultimate plan for my life and I'm so ready to see how it plays out!
Anyways. I'm selling shirts to help send me [I need $3600 to go], and they are so so cute.

If you're interested in buying one, please let me know!
Here's the Facebook group.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Johannah [slacker.]

Yeah, I know. I haven't blogged in forever.
But don't worry. I've got some good shoots to blog, I'm just super super busy with India (which I'll also blog about) and school right now.
I miss you too.